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June 7, 2007  

    Now it's June, the May flies are gone.  But here's a shot of Lynn gardening late in May.  Blooms that are out: primrose, yellow azalea, corydalis (in the Japanese fern).  We had a visit from a snapping turtle looking for a place to lay her eggs.  We saw one last year, so she seems to be an annual visitor.  Lynn found some large tadpoles "sunning" themselves in Rand Brook.
    Last weekend we went to North Woodstock, NH to celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary with the Dreyers (they were married a couple months before us).  We checked in at the Wilderness Inn, and that evening we had dinner on a train (six-course meal!). The ride was a leisurely 10 mph and lasted two hours.  The next day we hiked around some of the local parks.  Here's a page of pictures from the weekend.
    Lynn has always wanted a trail through the north part of our property.  I've cleared a sixth-of-a-mile path through woods and fields now.  As you stroll you will see ostrich ferns, lady's slippers, bunchberries, low-bush blueberries, raspberries, a "Granddad Pine," a large birch, an iron boulder, a stream, and  Lookout PointHere's a page of the tour.

Feature - Last picture taken by Rodriguez Santero in his short life.  

Quote for the Day -
    Lady Astor: "Winston, if you were my husband I would flavour your coffee with poison." 
    Sir Winston Churchill: "Madam, if I were your husband, I should drink it."