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November 30, 2006

    Last Tuesday the Stammtisch met at the Ground Round in Chelmsford for lunch (as usual).   In the middle is Bill Ford, and Peter Dreyer is on the right. We've know each other for 40 years. We typically eat and talk for two-and-a-half hours.
    For Thanksgiving, we had Sylvia and Keith Danskin over. Great meal!—the traditional turkey, stuffing, and pumpkin pie.  But two cranberry relishes, broccoli, creamed onions, and white/sweet potatoes. 
    I've been doing the artwork for the Souhegan Valley Chorus printed program—82 of them.  I start with a business card and turn it into an ad.
    On Saturday eight members of the Souhegan Valley Chorus met at Tim Hageman's to work on the set for our Winter Concert (Dec. 10—we have tickets).
    Lynn has painted the garage doors the traditional barn red.  Now they're ready for the winter snow.  The automatic openers are due to be installed December 5.
    The three new windows for the bedroom arrived, and I've installed two of them (pictures 1 and 2).  The 60° weather has helped (notice the tee shirt).

Feature for the dayWord pairs with the same root—a little odd-sounding, but not redundant.  Other word collections.

Quote for the day"No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible."Voltaire